Release notes


Published on 19/07/2024
  • adds a “Licences“ tab displaying all passed and active licences that you hold
  • test banks without an expiry date are now considered expired
  • fixed a bug preventing an existing administrator from being added to a new bank
  • (superadmin) removal of certification chain status that was not working correctly
  • interface improvements
  • deletion of the last interface remains of non-migrated vaults


Published on 27/06/2024
  • updated links to download and release notes pages
  • the list of items in a shared folder is now collapsible
  • compatibility with UpSignOn PRO 2.1.0 server


Published on 30/05/2024
  • minor display fixes
  • fixes search in shared vaults


Published on 21/05/2024
  • fix: to prevent its automatic deactivation, it is no longer possible to modify a vault’s email address to an unauthorized email address


Published on 17/05/2024

⚠️ This version requires NodeJS 20 or later.

  • dependency update (node 20 or later required)
  • Microsoft Entra configuration interface
    • display of disabled users because they were deleted from Microsoft Entra
  • non-migrated vaults (i.e. not using the version 7 application) are sorted first and highlighted


Published on 30/04/2024
  • adds a mechanism to simplify changing server URL
  • fix: when sending email to users via console, if the email list contains emails recovered by the “non-migrated v7” or “msi users” filter, these emails are used as recipients


Published on 09/04/2024
  • expiration times for one-time codes sent by the server in password emails forgotten or admin invitations are now displayed at the server’s local time and not at the local time UTC.
  • adds of subscription links to our technical and admin newsletters


Published on 04/04/2024
  • display of the admin email which authorizes the reset of a user’s password


Published on 03/04/2024
  • adds a function to retrieve users with an msi version of the application on Windows
  • adds a function to retrieve users who have not yet updated their data to version 7
  • adds an interface to configure authorized platforms, by bank and by user
  • adds an option to require manual validation from an administrator for adding a second device (disabled by default)
  • improves the display of device types and the display of bank and user options
  • superadmin / settings: adds a validity indicator for the UpSignOn PRO server certification chain
  • dependency updates and security fixes


Published on 20/12/2023
  • removes the deprecated “Shared Accounts” page from the menu and adds a link to this page from the “Shared vaults” page (before permanent deletion within a few months)
  • moves useful links to the “Overview” page
  • adds links to
    • tutorials
    • release notes
    • the downloads page


Published on 12/13/2023
  • adds a release notes page
  • “Extracts and communications” page renamed to “Others”
  • updates the display of the “CSV export” parameter: it is green if CSV export is disabled, which is the most secure setting, and orange otherwise, to alert you to a less strong choice
  • fixes the display of last session dates
  • adds the password reset token after its approval to avoid blockages in the event of problem sending emails
  • fixes the entry of email addresses authorized on a bank: spaces are no longer taken into account to avoid entry errors
  • removing obsolete and unused openID parameters