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Are you using the same password everywhere?

Stop! This is a really bad idea! We'll explain why.

According to a recent study, 59% of Internet users use the same password for all their accounts. The same part would also make no distinction between professional and personal passwords... Are you one of them?

If yes, we can imagine that you use the same password for all of your connections for the sake of simplicity:to remember only one password allowing you to connect to any sites or platforms you use. This way, you avoid “forgotten passwords”, a source of time wastage when you have to regenerate them. You log in simply and immediately to any account. If you are sensitive to cybersecurity issues, you will undoubtedly have taken care to choose a strong password. Finally, your password management seems both practical and secure... What more could you ask for?

Well in reality, even if the chosen password is individually strong, using it on multiple platforms makes it very vulnerable! The problem does not come so much from the password itself as from the sites on which you enter your password which are not always very secure or from the network on which you connect which is also not always secure. (Never connect to a public network, such as an airport WiFi network, without securing your connection using a VPN.)

When a hacker succeeds in stealing your credentials on one site, the first thing he will do will be to test these credentials on other, much more sensitive sites.

By reusing the same password everywhere, you lower your security to the least secure site where you entered your password. And given the number of sites we all use, you would be very lucky if all of these sites were perfectly secure...

Conclusion: Use a password vault

To limit cascading hacks, it is therefore essential to use a unique password for each site to which you connect. And as this will quickly become complicated to remember, we advise you to use a password vault. Not only will this greatly enhance the security of your accounts and data, but it will also make your life easier.

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