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Cyber threats, what if we talked about your employees' passwords?

As a CISO, you are responsible for IT security and maintaining digital access, which is essential for the smooth running of the company’s activity. So you take care on a daily basis not to become a target for hackers: managing the firewall, updating antiviruses, monitoring your employees’ passwords, etc. What? This last point is not yet one of your concerns? However, we confirm it to you: password breaking is indeed one of the most common cyberattacks in organizations. And employees are not necessarily aware of the extent of the risks they pose to the company by using passwords that are too weak or by using the same one everywhere...

Passwords: a security breach that can be avoided

Each employee has several professional platforms to which they need to connect frequently using a password. For security reasons, the latter must be specific for each account. As it is quite impossible to remember them all, employees use various memorization tricks which, for the most part, constitute huge security vulnerabilities: using the same password for all accounts, choosing ultra-basic passwords, write them down in Excel files or leave them exposed in browsers... These are all entry points for cybercriminals!

Letting some of your employees not secure their passwords puts your organization at risk.

In light of these issues, the role of the CISO is to help employees implement and maintain a sufficient level of security. Without making their daily tasks heavier, nor being too intrusive... Nor even by adding strong constraints, which until now was the CISO’s only recourse (e.g. replacing a password every six weeks). Now, with the advanced management tools that exist, the CISO has new means to enforce password management rules by all employees, effortlessly.

How can we support employees towards greater security?

Your goal is to get everyone towards the adoption of essential password management best practices. At UpSignOn, we believe that the key is to offer your employees a simple tool that they will want to use, and to provide you with information that will allow you to target your awareness and support actions.

Our application already acts as a first awareness tool as such by explicitly displaying to users the passwords that must be changed as a priority.

From the supervision console, the CISO and his teams can monitor the evolution of the password scores of the entire user base without ever accessing the secrets (end-to-end encrypted); they can now detect those who still keep weak or reused passwords and implement the necessary corrective actions and personalized support with them.

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