
What is a strong password?
A password that contains special characters? Yes and no. It's actually the size that matters most. Explanations.
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Are you using the same password everywhere?
Stop! This is a really bad idea! We'll explain why.
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Why use a password manager?
The strong case for using a password vault.
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Focus on 4 concepts of computer security
We often hear that no system is infallible. It depends on what we're talking about...
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MFA, 2FA, strong authentication: what are the differences?
Definitions and explanations of these fundamental concepts.
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How to detect insecure websites?
Practical guide to adopting good reflexes when browsing the internet.
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Do you think that your personal data is of no interest to hackers?
Here's why your data is worth gold to them.
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Browser vs. dedicated password vault
What's the point of using a dedicated password vault when your browser already offers a built-in tool?
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Developers: common misconceptions about login forms
Require the use of special characters, limit the length of passwords, force passwords to be changed regularly...
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Cyber threats, what if we talked about your employees' passwords?
Summary of the issues.
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