

Download UpSignOn
Our PERSO vaults are entirely free and unlimited. But a good rating on stores and publicity among your relatives and your social will be of great value to us!


18€ / vault / year
-5% for licenses beyond 1.000
-20% for licenses beyond 12.000
-10% for a 3-year order
Self hosting option (Linux): 1.000€ / year
SAAS hosting is included in the licence price.
The self-hosting package covers technical support costs and is independent of the number of licences.


Number of UpSignOn PRO licences
3 years (-10%)
Self hosting option (Linux)
ItemNumber of unitsNumber of yearsUnit price / yearTotal priceIncluding discount
Licences 1 to 1,00050318.002,700.00-
3-year order discount (-10%)-10%-270.00-270.00
Licences total50316.202,430.00-270.00€
Total excl tax2,430.00
Total incl tax2,916.00
Payable in one instalment

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